10 Best Decaf Coffee Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – For some people, enjoying coffee while relaxing is a fun activity and also makes their eyes open, right? However, unfortunately the caffeine content contained in coffee has an unfavorable effect for some people. As a solution for those of you who want to enjoy coffee without worry, you can consume decaf coffee. What is decaf coffee? Decaf coffee is coffee that has low caffeine in it.

In addition, the taste and aroma offered by this decaf coffee feels lighter than regular coffee. So it’s no wonder, decaf coffee is safe for consumption because it contains antioxidants. According to various sources, the benefits of decaf coffee which is rich in antioxidants can prevent cancer, diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Oh.

Best Decaf Coffee
Best Decaf Coffee Article Illustration Image / Foley FoodServices

So, for those of you who are interested in decaf coffee, we will provide information on how to choose the right decaf coffee as well as provide some of the best product recommendations. Like Illy, nesface and various local decaf coffee brands that we will recommend. Check out the following explanation!

How to Choose Good and Tasty Decaf Coffee

In this article, we will help you choose the best quality decaf coffee. But before that, we will provide information on how to choose the right decaf coffee so you don’t feel confused about choosing. Here’s how to choose it, don’t miss it.

1. Choose a safe production process for decaf coffee

What you need to know is that there are several methods used for the process of making decaf coffee. In the following we will explain some of the methods commonly used in the manufacturing process. The first process that is safe to do is a natural, chemical-free water treatment method.

In this method, the unroasted coffee beans are soaked in water for about 10 hours. However, in some places, coffee beans that have been soaked in water will be passed into activated charcoal. The charcoal will help remove up to 96% of the caffeine. This method is considered the safest method for making decaf coffee.

Then the direct solvent method, in this method the coffee beans will be processed to remove the caffeine with chemicals. When finished, the solvent will evaporate and the coffee beans are washed clean so that no solvent is left behind.

Finally, the carbon dioxide method, the way this method is carried out is by immersing the coffee beans in water, then injecting the carbon dioxide into a chamber containing water and coffee beans. The addition of air pressure is important in this process so that carbon monoxide can turn into a liquid. Carbon monoxide in the form of this liquid can extract caffeine to the fullest.

2. Choose Coffee Based on its Shape

Decaf coffee is sold in the market in various forms, from coffee beans to instant coffee. So, for those of you who want to make coffee with its own level of refinement, then choose decaf coffee in the form of beans. You can adjust the grind according to your taste.

However, decaf coffee in the form of beans is still rare in Indonesia. Then decaf coffee in powder form is the most commonly found coffee. You can enjoy it as an espresso. Also don’t forget, to buy decaf coffee, choose the packaging that suits your usage. Furthermore, capsule coffee, this coffee has a thick taste like ground coffee.

The difference is, coffee capsules are sold in small cup packages. To brew this capsule coffee you need a special coffee machine. You only need to put coffee in the machine, then you can enjoy coffee. Finally instant coffee, most manufacturers sell decaf coffee in the form of instant coffee. Of course instant coffee is very practical to enjoy. You only need to brew it, then you can enjoy the delicious taste of coffee, you know.

3. Choose Coffee Based on the Beans

Every coffee you brew has a different taste, right? That’s because the type of coffee bean is one of the contributing factors. The types of coffee that you often encounter are Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee itself is a coffee bean that is commonly found in the market.

The coffee tastes soft when brewed because it has a blend of sour and sweet flavors. The aroma is even more fragrant like a blend of flowers and fruit. Unlike the case with robusta coffee, this coffee has a more concentrated and bitter taste. By brewing this coffee you will feel the aftertaste of nuts and a slightly woody aroma.

10 Best Decaf Coffee Recommendations

Here we go

Now, after you know how to choose the right decaf coffee, it’s time for you to listen to the reviews of the best products. Even though there are still very few decaf coffee products in Indonesia, these are the 10 best products. You can see the following Ainun, reviews so you can find decaf coffee to your liking.

1. Nestle Nescafe Gold-Decaf Decaf Coffee

Best Decaf Coffee Nestle Nescafe Gold-Decaf
Nestlé Nescafe Gold-Decaf

For those of you who are connoisseurs of the best decaf coffee with a distinctive taste, you can try this decaf coffee, Nestle Nescafe Gold Decaf. 
The premium taste and delicious aroma are the hallmarks of this decaf coffee. Especially at the end of the sip, you will get a creamy taste. Besides the taste, the powder is also easily soluble in water. In fact, you can dissolve this coffee in room temperature water, you know.

2. Illy Ground Espresso Classic Decaffeinated Coffee

Best Decaf Coffee Illy Ground Espresso Classic Decaffeinated Coffee
Illy Ground Espresso Classic Decaffeinated Coffee

Decaf coffee from Illy is a coffee product from Italy. 
This coffee has a distinctive taste image compared to other coffees. Especially for those of you who don’t like coffee that is too bitter and thick, this decaf coffee can be the best right choice.

Where this decaf coffee gives a sweet taste on the tongue. You can also taste the hint of jasmine, caramel, and orange blossom. Interestingly, the packaging uses airtight cans so that the aroma and taste remain fresh when it is brewed.

3. Coffesso Decaf Coffee Pods

Best Decaf Coffee Coffesso Decaf Coffee Pods
Coffesso Decaf Coffee Pods

Coffee with the right measure of mixing Robusta and Arabica coffee beans is definitely more delicious, right? 
For that, you can try this one decaf coffee, namely coffesso decaf coffee pods. This coffee uses medium roast coffee beans which makes the bitter taste lower with a touch of sweet vanilla taste.

This decaf coffee uses coffee beans originating from Africa, South America and Central America. Well, for those of you who want to try a unique coffee taste, this one product can be your best consideration, you know.

4. Nestlé Nescafe Cappuccino Decaf

Best Decaf Coffee Nestle Nescafe Cappuccino Decaf
Nestlé Nescafe Cappuccino Decaf

For those of you who are busy and need time to relax while enjoying coffee, you can try brewing coffee from Nestle Capucino Decaf. 
Capucino is a mixture of coffee and milk with the right dose to be enjoyed while relaxing.

This decaf coffee has a sachet packaging that makes it easy for you to consume it. This coffee is also complete with chop topping. That way you can enjoy café-style coffee very easily, and it’s caffeine-free. For you cappuccino connoisseurs, you definitely don’t want to miss this decaf coffee, right?

5. Nata Coffee Factory Premium Blend Box

Best Decaf Coffee Nata Coffee Factory Premium Blend Box
Nata Coffee Factory Premium Blend Box

Enjoying coffee with a distinctive spice flavor can certainly make the atmosphere warmer, right? 
You can get it in a cup of decaf coffee from the premium blend box nata coffee factory. The combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans makes the taste more stable on the tongue. Not only that, this coffee is more delicious served as an espresso, you know. Interested in trying it?

6. Arutala Colombian Decaf Arabica Coffee

Arutala's Best Decaf Coffee Colombian Decaf Arabica Coffee
Arutala Coffee Colombian Decaf Arabica

Decaf coffee from Arutala offers a unique coffee taste with the best roasting techniques. 
This coffee uses coffee beans from Colombia with medium roast. That way this coffee feels more premium with the Castillo plant variety.

The process of making this coffee is that the coffee beans are fermented for 18-26 hours, then dried for 16-20 days. Apart from that, you can also order this coffee in coffee beans only, coarsely ground to finely ground. So, for those of you who are looking for decaf coffee beans, there’s nothing wrong with choosing one of the best product recommendations on this one.

7. Dongsuh Maxim Kanu Decaf Latte

Best Decaf Coffee Dongsuh Maxim Kanu Decaf Latte
Dongsuh Maxim Kanu Decaf Latte

Are you a lover of non-caffeinated instant coffee with added milk? 
If so, you can choose coffee from Korea, namely Dongsuh Maxim Kanu Decaf Latte. The creamy taste is perfect to accompany your leisure time.

This decaf coffee uses a mixture of instant and roasted coffee to produce a special taste. Not only that, the low yield technique at low temperatures produces fine coffee powder flakes. That way, you can brew this delicious coffee without dregs.

8. Starbucks Decaf Espresso Roast by Nespresso

Best Decaf Coffee Starbucks Decaf Espresso Roast By Nespresso
Starbucks Decaf Espresso Roast By Nespresso

Are you a Starbucks coffee lover? 
If so, now you can enjoy decaf coffee from Starbucks in capsule form, you know. The coffee is classified as a dark roasted type with an intensity of 11.

Wow, of course the taste that is given is quite thick, huh. Even so, you can still feel the hint of caramel flavor at the end of the drink. So, for those of you who like thick coffee, this is one of the best decaf coffee recommendations for you to enjoy.

9. Nata Low Caffeine Coffee Robusta Coffee Factory

Best Decaf Coffee Nata Coffee Factory Low Caffeine Coffee Robusta
Nata Coffee Factory Low Caffeine Coffee Robusta

This decaf coffee comes from Yogyakarta. 
Coffee is processed naturally without the addition of chemical solvents so it is safe for consumption. This natural process makes coffee last up to 2 years, whether placed in the fridge or room temperature.

Interestingly, this coffee offers 3 levels of flavor concentration. Dewi shinta for milk flavour, dewi sri for medium flavour, and srikandi for stronger flavour. So, for those of you who want to try different levels of robusta flavor, you can consider this decaf coffee.

10. Tanamera Coffee Decaf Coffee Capsules

Best Decaf Coffee Tanamera Coffee Decaf Coffee Capsules
Tanamera Coffee Decaf Coffee Capsules

Tanamera coffee is a coffee shop that is quite famous in Indonesia. 
Currently, Tampanga Coffee also offers a decaf variant in capsule packaging. That way, you can enjoy coffee at home or at work.

This coffee has a distinctive taste image. You can feel the taste of nuts and malt. Not only that, the aftertaste can also last a long time in your mouth. For those of you who like the aftertaste to last longer in your mouth, this decaf coffee can be a good and right choice, you know. Interested in feeling it?

After you read a review of the ten best decaf coffee recommendations that have been reviewed, have you found a product that you like? May be useful!

Other recommendations:

10 Best Arabica Coffee Recommendations

10 Best Espresso Coffee Machine Recommendations

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