10 Best Knit Cardigan Color Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – Knitting cardigans have indeed become a mainstay outfit with many color choices, besides the color of knitted cardigans is also an important thing that you should know. The reason is, the choice of color will greatly affect the appearance, because by using the best knit cardigan color choices, you can perform optimally with more confidence.

Best Women's Knit Cardigan Colors
Women’s Knit Cardigan Color Illustration Image / Fotolia

A knit cardigan is an outfit that is versatile and easy to mix and match with other outfits , such as being used as an outer so you only need to wear a t -shirt in it, this will make it easier when you rush out of the house. Because the material is comfortable, the knit cardigan can also be used everyday and is very suitable for OOTD ( Outfit Of The Day) .

Tips for Choosing the Color of a Good Women’s Knit Cardigan

Choosing a good and comfortable knit cardigan color is not something that is very difficult, but there are things you need to pay attention to so you don’t choose the wrong color. Here are some tips that you can apply when choosing the best knit cardigan color, including:

1. Choose a color that suits your skin tone

One of the tips that you need to consider before buying a knit cardigan is to choose a knit cardigan color that matches your skin tone. Because not all colors can be suitable for all skin, for example, people with dark skin tones are more suited to wearing the best neutral knit cardigan colors such as black, gray, navy blue and dark brown.

In contrast to those who have light or white skin, it may be appropriate to wear a variety of light colors, such as pink, yellow, brown, purple, orange or other bright colors. If you are able to choose the best knit cardigan color that suits your skin tone type, then the knit cardigan that you are wearing will not look like a ride on your skin.

2. Choose a Color That Matches Your Body Shape

The next tip that you need to know before buying a knit cardigan is to choose a color that suits your body shape. Choosing a cardigan color that suits your body shape is often unknown to some people who don’t know that the color of the outfit you wear will affect the appearance of your body shape, as well as the color of the knitted cardigan. You can choose the best knitted cardigan color that suits your body shape, you can see that body shape in terms of weight and height, because everyone has a different body shape. So you have to be good at choosing the color of the knit cardigan so that your body shape doesn’t look too big or too small.

3. Choose Colors that are Easy to Match

To determine the best color for knitting cardigans, you can also choose colors that are easy to mix and match with other outifs that you wear, so you won’t be confused when choosing pants or t-shirts that are included in the color of the pants you will wear later. This method is often referred to as mix and mach, that way, your appearance will be more attractive with a touch of knitted cardigan color that fits and matches. This means that the color combination is pleasing to the eye both by yourself and by others. Mix and mach with knitted cardigan colors that are easy to mix and match, suitable for those of you who don’t have many outfit colors.

10 Best Women’s Knit Cardigan Color Recommendations

In addition to neutral colors such as black, white, light gray, cream, silver, and others, there are also other colors that are no less interesting and you can use as a reference in choosing the best color for knitting cardigans. Here are 10 color recommendations for knitting cardigans selected by Ainun that you can collect, including the following:

1. Navy

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Navy Color Cardigan
Navy Color Women’s Cardigan

It is no secret that navy is a mainstay color in the 
fashion world which is recommended by many people because navy is quite neutral and suitable for all skin tones. Navy color is a dark blue color that is very familiar and you can choose as the best knit cardigan color.

This color is also very easy to find in various models of knitting cardigans and has more stock colors than other colors. Navy color can give a simple impression because it is not too flashy when worn, so many people choose this color as the best knit cardigan color, for those of you who have brown or slightly dark skin, the navy color will suit your skin.

2. Burgundy

Colors of Nice Knit Cardigans Burgundy Color Cardigans
Burgundy Women’s Cardigan

In addition to navy, burgundy is no less popular than many other best knit cardigan colors because burgundy can make your appearance more elegant. 
The color burgundy is one of the colors that is quite popular these days, the color also looks like it’s rare because it’s so much sought after.

The color burgundy is a combination of red and purple, or commonly known as burgundy, if you wear a cardigan in this color, you will look elegant. In addition, the color of this knit cardigan can also give a luxurious impression, so it is not surprising that this color is used as the best knitted cardigan color by many people.

3. Army

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Army Color Cardigan
Army Color Women’s Cardigan

The best knitted cardigan color that you can choose next is the army color, the army color gives the impression of being relaxed and not too flashy on the skin, so the army color is suitable for those of you who have brown skin. 
The army color is a derivative of the green color combined with brown or resembles the army green color, so this color is more popular as the army color.

If you wear this army color knit cardigan, then you can look calmer and calmer. You can also combine army colors with white, light gray, and coksu (milk chocolate) so that your appearance becomes more matched with one of the best knitted cardigan colors.

4. Coral

Colors of Nice Knit Cardigans Coral Color Cardigans
Coral Color Women’s Cardigan

Not to be outdone by other best knitted cardigan colors, coral color is also quite a target for women, especially those with light or white skin, making skin color look more radiant. 
Coral color is one of the colors that is quite a trend in all cardigan models today.

This color is a combination of orange and pink, this combination does create a very interesting and unusual color, this color is very suitable to be combined with white, black, navy, and denim. Coral color as the best knit cardigan color is also able to give the impression of calm and warmth for those who wear it.

5. Dusty Pink

Colors of Nice Knit Cardigans Dusty Pink Color Cardigans
Dusty Pink Women’s Cardigan

For those of you who like a feminine appearance, you can choose dusty pink as the best knit cardigan color. 
Dusty pink is a combination of pink or pink with light gray and is one of the pastel colors that is pretty much recommended as one of the best knit cardigan colors.

In addition, the dusty pink color can also give a sweet impression to anyone who wears it. You can mix and match this dusty pink color with navy, white, or black, as the best knitting cardigan color, don’t be surprised if the dusty pink knit cardigan has many fans and is always in demand in the market.

6. Milo

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Milo Color Cardigan
Milo Color Women’s Cardigan

The milo color is also the target of many people because this color is one of the best knit cardigan colors which is always recommended and gives a relaxed or calm impression to anyone who wears it. 
Milo color is a derivative of brown color, such as coksu color but this milo color has a lighter nuance.

Because the color is exactly like milo when brewed, this color is known as the milo color so it is more popular and has become a favorite cardigan color choice. Therefore, the milo color is one of the best knitted cardigan colors that you can choose and is suitable to be combined with black, brown, navy, and cream colors.

7. Mustrad

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Mustrad Color Cardigan
Mustrad Color Women’s Cardigan

Mustrad color is a derivative of yellow, but this mustrad color is duller or darker than the usual very bright yellow color, so this color is not too flashy. 
Mustrad color can also be categorized as the best knit cardigan color, because many people are wearing mustrad cardigan as 
a fashion style today.

Most people often mix and match the mustrad color with 3 main colors such as black, white, and denim. Mustrad color as one of the best knitted cardigan colors can also give a warm and cheerful impression, so if you wear it you will look more energetic.

8. Mint

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Mint Color Cardigan
Mint Color Women’s Cardigan

The best knitted cardigan color that many women who love knitting cardigans are looking for is the mint color, this color is usually sought after by those with lighter or whiter skin. 
Mint is a pastel color which is derived from light green and is now very popular and not a few people make mint color the best knit cardigan color they choose.

This is because the mint color can give a fresh impression and feel of nature for those who wear it. If you are looking for the best knit cardigan color, you can make this mint color your main option. Mint color is also very suitable when combined with other pastel colors such as nude pink so that it looks more beautiful.

9. Bronze

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Bronze Color Cardigan
Women’s Cardigan Bronze Color

The bronze color is one of the best knitted cardigan colors which is also quite popular and is also much coveted by women who love knitting cardigans. 
This is because the color bronze has an unusual appeal that makes those who see it want to have it.

The bronze color is a derivative of the brown color but this color has a metallic brown tone that resembles a bronze color. As one of the best knitted cardigan colors, this bronze color can give the impression of luxury but not too much, meaning that this bronze color is still simple when worn, besides that bronze color is also very suitable to be combined with black, white, cream, and denim.

10. Lilac

Nice Color Knit Cardigan Lilac Color Cardigan
Women’s Cardigan in Lilac

The last knit cardigan color that we recommend is lilac, this color is one of the best knit cardigan color trends that are widely chosen today and the best selling on the market. 
Lilac color is a derivative of light purple which has a very soft and elegant color.

If you wear a knitted cardigan with this lilac color, it will look more girly , besides that lilac color can also give a cheerful impression when you wear it. Especially when combined with white subordinates, your appearance will look more perfect with this very trendy color of the best knit cardigan.

How to care for a knitted cardigan so the color doesn’t fade quickly

After choosing the best women’s knit cardigan color from several recommendations from the previous discussion, you also have to know about how to care for the best knitting cardigan colors you have. There are several ways to care for a knitted cardigan so that the colors don’t fade quickly so they still look good, including:

1. Don’t Wash the Knitted Cardigan in the Washing Machine

One way that needs to be applied to care for the color of the knit cardigan that you have is by not washing it using a washing machine. This means that you only need to wash the knitted cardigan manually or by soaking it first, then rinsing it by hand gently and carefully and not brushing it. Then the color of the best knit cardigan that you have will still look good. On the other hand, if you wash the knitted cardigan in a washing machine, the fibers in the knit cardigan will be damaged quickly and can affect the color of the knitted cardigan to look more faded.

2. Drying the Knit Cardigan in an Inverted Position

After you wash the knit cardigan manually, the next way to take care of the color of the knit cardigan you have is to dry it upside down. This means that the outside of the knit cardigan should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Because the hot sun can make the color of the best knit cardigan you have fade. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the temperature of the sun when drying knitted cardigans, try not to dry knitted cardigans when the sun is very hot or too hot.

3. No Need to Iron Knit Cardigan

In general, clothes made from knitwear do not need to be ironed, including knitted cardigans. Besides being able to damage the fabric fibers such as being stretched or shriveled, ironing a knit cardigan can also make the color of the knitted cardigan you have fade because the iron produces a hot temperature. Therefore, you don’t have to bother with ironing a knitted cardigan, because basically knitting material is a material that won’t look wrinkled easily. Thus, the color of the best knit cardigan that you have will last.


Those are some of the best knit cardigan color recommendations that you can choose, where these recommendations are generally based on the reviews of many people. It looks like the knit cardigan has become a must-have outfit and a must-have in your wardrobe. Now you don’t need to be confused anymore to look attractive with the knit cardigan which is the mainstay for OOTD. Because the colors of knitted cardigans are not always only found in famous brand knitted cardigan products at expensive prices, but you can also find the best knitted cardigan colors easily on various local brands.

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