10 Best Unsalted Butter Brand Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – Butter or what is commonly called butter is a product that has a high milk content added with salt. Usually butter contains 90 gram grams per one teaspoon, that’s why butter has a salty taste that is quite thick when mixed with other foods.

The salt content in butter is not only used to give it a salty taste, but also to increase the shelf life of the butter so that it lasts longer.

Please note, now there is butter that is made without salt. This product is known as unsalted butter. Several well-known unsalted butter brands include Anchor, Elle & Vire, Rosalie Cheese, Corman, Dairygold, Lurpak and many other unsalted butter brands available in the market.

Unsalted butter is butter made with little or no salt. This is because not everyone likes the usual salted butter. Either due to health conditions or not having an appetite for salty food.

Best Unsalted Butter
Unsalted Butter / Dreamstime Illustration Image

Even more so for a baby. Because a baby who is under 1 year old, it is not recommended to eat more than 1 gram of salt per day. And for babies who are still at the age of 1-3 years, it is not recommended to eat more than 2 grams of salt a day. So, for that, mothers at home can use this unsalted butter for baby food.

The difference between unsalted butter and salted butter

You know, besides the salt content or salty taste in unsalted butter and salted butter. There are several very significant differences from these two products. What are the differences? Here’s the review.

1. Taste

The first is the taste of both. For salted butter or salted butter, of course, it has a saltier taste than unsalted butter or unsalted butter, this is very reasonable because unsalted butter does not contain salt at all or only contains a little salt so it doesn’t taste salty at all.

2. Color

Second is color. For unsalted butter, the color is usually white. So it’s no wonder people sometimes add coloring to foods that use butter to give a more beautiful touch of color. Meanwhile, salted butter usually has a slightly yellow color, so you don’t need to add additional food coloring when using it.

3. Usage

Lastly is usage. Unsalted butter is usually used to make cakes or tart icing. While salted butter is usually used for spreading on cakes, bread, martabak and many more. It is used to add to the taste of the food so it is more savory.

Those are some of the differences between unsalted butter and salted butter. One of the differentiators from those previously mentioned is that salted butter is not suitable for consumption by babies while unsalted butter is suitable for being used as a mixture of complementary foods which are commonly referred to as complementary foods for breast milk or you can say unsalted butter is suitable for babies.

Benefits of Unsalted Butter for Babies

Apart from being low in salt or not even containing salt at all, unsalted butter also has many benefits for babies. What are the benefits? Come on, look at the following reviews.

  1. Can help the baby’s brain and nervous system so that they work and grow properly according to the age of the baby
  2. Can help the body absorb vitamins A, D, E, K more easily.
  3. Be the foundation in the formation of hormones in infants.
  4. It can help the baby get full faster so that the baby avoids overeating which could result in the baby being obese.
  5. Helps in separating the nervous system throughout the baby’s body.

Those are some of the benefits of unsalted butter for babies, so it is highly recommended to be one of the mixed ingredients in solids (complementary foods for breast milk). Next, we will discuss 10 lists of the best unsalted butter recommendations for babies, complete with their reviews.

10 Best Unsalted Butter Recommendations

Here we go

Basically, unsalted butter is made not only for baby food. This product can be consumed by anyone. So don’t ever think that this usalted butter is only suitable for babies.

However, due to the needs of babies who cannot consume excess salt, this product is one of the mainstays that can be used as a mixture of MPASI. And now it’s time for us to discuss unsalted butter products. The following will explain 10 lists of the best unsalted butter recommendations for babies, complete with their reviews. What brands are you curious about? Come on, look at the following Ainun reviews .

1. ELLE & VIRE Gourmet Butter Unsalted Butter

ELLE & VIRE Gourmet Butter Unsalted Butter
ELLE & VIRE Gourmet Butter Unsalted Butter

The best unsalted butter for the first baby is ELLE & VIRE Beurre Gastronomyque Unsalted butter. 
This product is very suitable to be used as a substitute for bread jam. Apart from its delicious taste, you can also use this butter for sweet or salty foods.

Not to forget, this unsalted butter is also suitable to be used as a mixture for baby solids. Does not contain salt, this butter is safe for your little one’s tummy. The price is very affordable and you can easily find it in the nearest shops.

2. LURPAK Unsalted Butter

LURPAK Unsalted Butter Terbaik
LURPAK Unsalted Butter

Next is the best unsalted butter from LURPAK Unsalted butter. 
Having a high fat content, this butter is perfect for babies to gain weight.

In addition, the pure taste of this one butter is so pure that it can maintain the taste of baby food. So for those of you who have babies and want to increase their weight, you can add this butter to the baby food.

3. Anchor Minidish Butter Unsalted

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Anchor Minidish Butter Unsalted
Anchor Minidish Butter Unsalted

The next best unsalted butter recommendation is Anchor Minidish Butter Unsalted. 
Having a very small packaging, this is a very suitable butter for you to take with you on the go.

This one product is intentionally made in a very mini package so that it can be devoured in just 1 meal. So you don’t have to bother to carry a large one. And don’t forget, it can also be used as an additional complementary food for babies.

4. Rosalie Cheese Unsalted Butter Bottle

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Rosalie Cheese Unsalted Butter Bottle
Rosalie Cheese Unsalted Butter Bottle

The next best unsalted butter product is Rosalie Cheese Unsalted Butter Bottle. 
This butter product is made in a bottle that contains quite a lot of butter so it doesn’t run out easily. Usually this type of butter can run out in about 2 months.

Please note, that this product is a homemade butter product that does not use chemicals such as food coloring or preservatives. So for those of you who are currently looking for unsalted butter that is completely safe from natural ingredients, it is recommended that you try this Rosalie Cheese product.

5. Ghee Numi Naturals Grass Fed Butter

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Ghee Numi Naturals Grass Fed Butter
Ghee Numi Naturals Grass Fed Butter

Next is the best unsalted butter from Ghee Numi Naturals Grass Fed Butter. 
This butter is packaged in a glass bottle so you can store it again without having to move the container around to another even though the package has been opened.

You simply close it again and store it in the refrigerator. That way, the butter remains in a hygienic state which is protected from dust and other impurities.

6. Vandemoortele St Auvent

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Vandemoortele St Auvent
Vandemoortele St Auvent

The next list of the best unsalted butter recommendations is Vandemoortele St Auvent. 
Containing 78% more vegetable fat compared to animal fat, this unsalted butter product from Vandemoortele St Auvent is perfect for those of you who are on a diet program or who are maintaining your weight.

Besides that, you can also use this butter in preparing your dishes without having to feel guilty about the fat content contained in the butter.

7. Corman Patisy 78% Fat – Block

Best Unsalted Butter Corman Patisy 78 Fat – Block
Corman Patisy 78 Fat – Block

Next, the next best unsalted butter product is Corman Patisy 78% Fat – Block. 
Having a fairly large package, this unsalted butter is perfect for those of you who want to use it in large quantities.

This can provide more economical benefits when compared to buying large size furniture. This one product is also 78% fat so it can help you gain weight in a more ideal direction.

8. Dairygold Unsalted Butter

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Dairygold Unsalted Butter
airygold Unsalted Butter

The next best unsalted butter product is Dairygold Unsalted Butter. 
Made in cans, this butter has a large enough size so it is suitable for those who will use this product in large quantities. This unsalted butter is a combination of margarine and butter. So this product is highly recommended for those of you who want to make cakes.

The butter content in this product can give a better aroma while margarine can make the texture of the cake firmer and also creamy. For those of you who have a business in the field of cakes or bread, this butter is highly recommended for you.

9. Elle & Vire Unsalted Tartine et Cuisine

Unsalted Butter Terbaik Elle & Vire Unsalted Tartine et Cuisine
Elle & Vire Unsalted Tartine and Cuisine

Next is the best unsalted butter from Elle & Vire Unsalted Tartine et Cuisine. 
Containing low fat, this product is perfect for those of you who are on a diet program.

You can use this unsalted butter product from Elle & Vire as a mixture for many foods, especially pastries. You need to know that Elle & Vire has lots of unsulte butte variants, so you have to be careful in choosing the product according to your needs.

10. Anchor Unsalted Butter

Anchor Unsalted Butter Terbaik
Anchor Unsalted Butter

Finally, there is the best unsalted butter from Anchor Unsalted Butter. 
Easy to find anywhere and has many packaging variants, this butter that comes from anchor is one of the butters that is highly recommended for those of you who are dancing unsalted butter.

This product is known for its savory taste and is also suitable to be combined with other foods. So it’s no wonder why this product is highly sought after in the market by many people. Not only that, the price of this product is very affordable and can be found easily in the nearest shops.

So, those are the 10 best unsalted butter recommendation lists. Of course, apart from being used for cooking, unsalted butter can be used for babies as well. How are the mothers? Have you found the right product to complement your food or for your baby? If so, let’s order now at your favorite store. Give the best for the family and the baby, namely with the best unsalted butter. Don’t be late, Mother.

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