10 Best Shampoo Hair Black Colour Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – Having shiny black hair may be everyone’s dream. Therefore, many have started looking for ways to make their hair black and shiny. One way that can be done is to use a hair care shampoo that keeps the hair black, cared for and shiny.

Shampoo for Keeping Shiny Black Hair
Illustration of Shiny Black Hair / offblackhair

However, the number of black hair care shampoo products on the market makes many people confused about which product to use. But you don’t need to worry, because in this article we have prepared recommendations for shampoos to keep your hair black that you can choose so you can take care of the black hair you have.

Tips for Choosing a Good Black Hair Care Shampoo

To help you choose a good and most appropriate shampoo for maintaining black hair, you should pay attention to tips on choosing a shampoo first. Here are some tips that you need to apply when choosing a shampoo to maintain good black hair.

1. Pay attention to the ingredients in the shampoo

In a shampoo to maintain black hair, of course, there are various ingredients that make it up. These various ingredients have their own benefits and side effects for the scalp and hair. Therefore, the first tip that you need to pay attention to when choosing a black hair care shampoo is to pay attention to the ingredients in the shampoo.

It may be difficult to identify all the ingredients in a black hair care shampoo. However, there are some shampoo ingredients that you need to know. Some of them are ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate which can clean the scalp as a whole but can cause irritation because it removes the hair’s natural oils.

2. Adjust shampoo with hair type

The next tip that is important for you to pay attention to when choosing a shampoo to keep your hair black is to adjust it to the type of hair you have. This is because, now there are many products on the market that have been adapted to the type of hair. So, not all shampoo products are suitable for use by everyone.

Some common hair types are dry, fine and curly. For fine hair, you should choose a shampoo to maintain black hair with a clear colored formula. As for curly hair, you should avoid shampoos for black hair that contain non-sulfate, because it will make hair dry.

3. Adjust the shampoo with the type of scalp

Maybe many people are too fixated and pay more attention to facial skin. But you know, it turns out that the human scalp also needs to be considered clean. If you ignore this scalp, then your hair may become limp even though you have used shampoo to keep your hair black.

The type of human scalp can at least be divided into 3 categories, namely dry, normal and oily. For oily scalp, you should choose a gentle black hair care shampoo so that the natural oils are not lost. As for normal scalp, you can use any shampoo as long as the ingredients in it are safe for your hair and scalp.

4. Don’t stick with the brand 

The last tip when choosing the best black hair shampoo that is important for you to pay attention to is don’t stick to the brand. Maybe many of you have seen big shampoo brands that offer a lot of benefits. Apart from that, you may also get recommendations from well-known brands from those closest to you regarding the best black hair care shampoos.

But preferably, you need to do research first. Not that these well-known brands have shampoo products that can darken hair and are suitable for your hair and scalp type. So, make sure you pay attention to the 4 points previously explained before choosing the best black hair care shampoo.

10 Best Shampoo Recommendations for Maintaining Black Hair

Here we go

So what are the best shampoo recommendations for maintaining black hair? Let’s take a look at 10 recommendations for shampoos that can make hair blacker and shiny, selected by Ainun below.

1. Emeron Nutritive Shampoo Black and Shine

Best Black Hair Shampoo Emeron Nutritive Shampoo Black and Shine
Emeron Nutritive Shampoo Black and Shine

The best shampoo recommendation that can treat black hair that you should consider is Emeron Nutrive Shampoo Black and Shine. 
This shampoo is claimed to be able to blacken hair thanks to the Active Provitc Amino formula and also the refined urang aring. With this formula, Emeron’s shampoo is able to make hair black, shiny and nourish it at the same time.

With a relatively affordable price, making this shampoo to maintain black hair is one of the prima donnas. Plus, the sweet scent it gives off after washing your hair makes this shampoo worth considering.

2. Dove Nourishing Black

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo Dove Nourishing Black Shampoo
Shampo Dove Nourishing Black

Maybe many of you are already familiar with one of these brands. 
Sure enough, Dove is one of the brands that releases a lot of quality shampoo products. Also, Dove released a product to blacken hair, namely Dove Nourishing Black. Therefore, you can consider this one of the best shampoo products to maintain black hair.

This shampoo product for maintaining black hair from Dove contains olive extract and micro moisture serum which is able to nourish hair from the ends to the base. By using Dove Nourishing Black, you can get back shiny black hair gradually. So, you need to be patient if you want to get maximum results.

3. Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo
Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo

Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo is the best shampoo product to maintain black hair that deserves further consideration. 
This black hair shampoo product is claimed to be able to make hair black and shiny again. Not only that, Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo is also able to make hair softer and dull hair disappear so it’s easier to manage.

There are several advantages that make you have to consider this black hair shampoo. One of them, namely Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo, is made using pearl essence so that hair becomes more beautiful. Not only that, the aroma of Rejoice Shiny Black Shampoo is also believed to last long.

4. Sariayu Black and Shiny Hair

The Best Hair Blackening Shampoo Sariayu Black and Shiny Hair Shampoo
Shampo Sariayu Black and Shiny Hair

The shampoo product for keeping your hair black that you can consider next comes from the Sariayu brand, namely Sariayu Black and Shiny Hair. 
This hair blackening product from Sariayu contains aring aring so it can restore black hair color. Not only that, this shampoo for maintaining black hair is also able to prevent hair from falling out easily and make it thicker.

To get the most out of this shampoo to keep your hair black, you need to use it while massaging your head. After that, let it sit for a few moments so that the shampoo content seeps into each strand of hair and rinse thoroughly. Don’t forget to use a conditioner after washing your hair so that the results are even more maximal.

5. Clear Natural Black Shampoo

Best Hair Blackening Shampoo Clear Natural Black Shampoo
Clear Natural Black Shampoo

Maybe many of you are familiar with this shampoo product to keep your hair black. 
Yep, Clear Natural Black Shampoo is one of the most widely circulated shampoos in society, so it’s easy to find anywhere. In fact, you can find this shampoo in the nearest minimarket to the stall next to your house.

This shampoo has the ability to blacken hair to keep hair black from the content of tea tree oil and black olives . Not only that, Clear Natural Black Shampoo also contains triple anti-dandruff technology. So, when you use this shampoo to keep your hair black, the benefits you get are not only blackening your hair but also preventing dandruff from appearing.

6. Pantene Long Black Shampoo

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo Pantene Long Black Shampoo
Pantene Long Black Shampoo

This time, a shampoo recommendation for keeping hair black comes from one of the well-known brands in Indonesia. 
Surely some of you are familiar with the name Pantene Long Black Shampoo. This treatment shampoo product for black hair is claimed to be able to restore black hair and maintain black hair color to keep it shiny.

Using this Pantene black hair shampoo will make your hair more manageable. Not only that, this Pantene Long Black Shampoo will also make your hair stronger so you can prevent it from falling out and breaking. Therefore, this one shampoo for keeping black hair is really worth considering.

7. Serasoft Shiny Black

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo Serasoft Shiny Black Shampoo
Shampo Serasoft Shiny Black

The shampoo product to keep your hair black that you can consider next is Serasoft Shiny Black. 
Maybe compared to some of the products that have been reviewed before, Serafost is still rarely heard of. But you don’t need to worry about safety, because this hair blackening product has obtained BPOM permission so it is safe to use.

Serasoft Shiny Black is a hair blackening product that contains DGA serum. The DGA content of this serum makes hair stronger for each strand so you don’t need to be afraid of damage. Not only that, this shampoo for keeping black hair from Serafost is also able to restore hair color to a shiny black and much healthier.

8. Sunsilk Black Shine Shampoo

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo Sunsilk Black Shine Shampoo
Sunsilk Black Shine Shampoo

Sunsilk Black Shine Shampoo is a recommended shampoo product for keeping black hair that you can consider next. 
This product released by Sunsilk is claimed to be able to make hair black, fragrant and not limp. This is because in this shampoo to keep hair black, there is aring aring content which can increase the shine of black hair.

Not only capable of blackening hair, this shampoo product for maintaining black hair is also claimed to be able to strengthen hair. This is because Sunsilk Black Shine Shampoo contains collagen which can make hair stronger. In addition, this shampoo also contains vitamin C which makes hair fresher and softer.

9. Zinc Black Shine Shampoo

Best Hair Blackening Shampoo Zinc Black Shine Shampoo
Zinc Black Shine Shampoo

Zinc is a shampoo brand that is famous for its anti-dandruff. 
However, this brand also releases a shampoo product to maintain black hair, namely Zinc Black Shine Shampoo. In this shampoo product for black hair, there is a non-protein content and also arinng, so that it can make hair turn black and shiny again.

It doesn’t stop there, this shampoo product for maintaining black hair is also equipped with ZPT-O complex and HydroVita-Lock formulations. Both formulations are effective in fighting dandruff and preventing it from coming back. In fact, this shampoo product for black hair from Zinc is claimed to be effective in removing dandruff by up to 99%.

10. L’Oreal Color Vive Protecting Shampoo

Best Hair Darkening Shampoo L'Oreal Color Vive Protecting Shampoo
L’Oreal Color Vive Protecting Shampoo

The last shampoo recommendation for maintaining black hair that you should consider is L’Oreal Color Vive Protecting Shampoo. 
This shampoo is one of the product variants issued by the famous shampoo brand, L’Oreal Paris. So you don’t need to worry anymore about security and distribution permits.

This black hair shampoo is claimed to be able to provide extra protection to hair color to keep it shiny. In fact, it is claimed that this shampoo can increase hair shine by up to 85% in use for 7 weeks. This is because, L’Oreal Color Vive Protecting Shampoo is made using a special technology that is able to protect hair color and filter radiation from ultraviolet rays.

Tips for Caring for Healthy Hair

Apart from wanting hair to return to black and shiny, of course, everyone also wants to have hair that remains healthy. But you know, using shampoo for your black hair alone may not be enough to maintain healthy hair. So how do you keep your hair healthy? Follow this method to keep your hair healthy and shiny black.

1. Using conditioner

Apart from using shampoo to keep your hair black, you also need to use conditioner. The reason is, using this conditioner will help hair become shinier, softer and easier to comb. Not only tiu, this conditioner will also help meet the nutrients needed by the hair. So, after washing your hair using shampoo to keep your hair black, you should continue using conditioner.

2. Limit the use of flat iron or hair dryer

Do you often use a flat iron or hair dryer after washing using shampoo to keep your hair black? If so, it’s best to avoid it or reduce it from now on. The reason is, using a flat iron or hair dryer in the long term will only make the hair weaker so it can fall out easily. If you must use a hair dryer, make sure there is a gap between your hair and the hairdryer about 15 cm.

3. Avoid sun exposure 

Tips for keeping your hair healthy besides using shampoo to keep your black hair next is to avoid exposure to sunlight for a long time. The reason is, if the hair is exposed to sunlight for too long, the melanin cells that carry black pigment in the hair will be damaged. In the end the hair will change color to brownish red. So, try when you want to do outdoor activities, use a hat or head protection.

4. Using cold water when washing

When washing with shampoo to keep your black hair, it’s best to rinse with cold water and avoid warm water. The reason is, warm water will make the pores and hair cuticles open so that the hair’s natural oils disappear. Therefore, it is highly recommended to rinse your hair when washing it using cold water. However, also avoid water that is too cold, just normal temperature.

5. Starting a healthy lifestyle

The last tip you need to apply to keep your hair healthy is to start a healthy lifestyle. Begin to consume healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables and adequate fluids. Not only that, you also need to exercise regularly every day. No need for strenuous exercise, you can just do light exercise like swimming or walking.


Maybe that’s enough explanation about shampoo recommendations to keep black hair that you need to know. You can get these products at Indomaret or Alfamart. In addition, you can also buy it at various online stores that exist. Make sure the online store you want to choose has good reviews from buyers to avoid fraud.

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