10 Recommended Brands of Toothpaste Containing Fluoride (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – All members of the body must be cared for properly to stay healthy, right? Well, one of the things that can be done to maintain healthy teeth so that they don’t have cavities, is to use toothpaste that contains fluoride. If it gets hollow and the hole gets bigger, of course the pain will be felt all day long. So, how do you choose the right brand of toothpaste that contains fluoride?

How to choose a brand of toothpaste that contains fluoride

Basically, a good product is not obtained haphazardly. So, the following Ainun provides a number of things that you need to pay attention to and consider carefully when choosing a toothpaste brand that contains fluoride.

1. Pay attention to the composition of the ingredients chosen by the brand

Not all toothpastes sold on the market contain fluoride, so you need to pay attention to the composition of the ingredients written on the package. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can prevent cavities by strengthening tooth enamel to make it more resistant to acids that can damage teeth.

Toothpaste Brands Containing Fluoride
Illustration of Toothpaste Containing Fluoride / Dentalfit

Usually, toothpaste containing fluoride is written on the composition of the ingredients Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Sodium Fluoride, and so on. Apart from preventing cavities, there are also several brands that contain certain ingredients to provide more benefits.

2. Adjust the variant owned by the brand of toothpaste with taste

Usually a brand will sell toothpaste that contains fluoride with various variants so that consumers can be more flexible in choosing according to taste. If you want a fresh sensation, you can choose products that contain mint. There are also fruit flavors, such as strawberry, apple and berry which are usually found in special children’s toothpastes.

3. Choose a brand of toothpaste that suits your needs

The needs of children, adolescents and adults are of course different, so you need to choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride according to your needs. Although sometimes children may use teen and adult toothpaste, it would be better if you provide special toothpaste.

Several special toothpastes for children from the brands Cussons, Kodomo, and Darlie Bunny Kids. Meanwhile, those with sensitive teeth can choose products from Sensodyne and other brands that do have special ingredients for sensitive teeth.

Until now there have been various brands that sell toothpaste with various variants. No need to worry because the price offered is still affordable. So, here are ten recommendations for toothpaste brands that contain fluoride for you.

1. Colgate Total Clean Mint Toothpaste

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Colgate Total Clean Mint Toothpaste
Brand Toothpaste Colgate Total Clean Mint Toothpaste

This toothpaste recommendation that contains fluoride is perfect for those of you who want to feel a fresh sensation after brushing your teeth. 
Remarkably, this Colgate Total Clean Mint Toothpaste will provide protection against the formation of bacterial plaque for 12 hours. That’s because there is a unique formula in the form of Triclosan, Fluoride, and Copolymer, yes. If the accumulation of bacterial plaque is successfully carried out, then the presence of tartar, gingivitis, and cavities can also be minimized.

This product will clean as well as make the teeth look more shiny, you know. In addition, bad breath can also be avoided after using Colgate’s fluoride toothpaste. No need to worry because there is no alcohol content in it so it is safe to use. To be sure, this product has also been approved by the BPOM (Indonesian Food and Drug Administration) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

2. Antiplaque Toothpaste

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Antiplaque Toothpaste
Brand Toothpaste Antiplaque Toothpaste

Apart from preventing cavities, toothpaste containing fluoride will also provide other benefits for the health of your teeth. 
This is supported by the presence of several active ingredients, such as Cloxiphenol to kill bacteria and fungi that cause problems in the mouth and teeth. If canker sores appear, it will be very annoying, right? So, there is Arnica Montana Extract which acts as an anti-inflammatory so that canker sores can heal faster.

Actually, there are several things that cause swollen gums and pain in sensitive teeth. However, this feeling of pain can be relieved by diligently using PT. Triple Ace is due to the active ingredient Eugenia Caryophyllus Extract. Because the texture of this product is very thick, it should only be used 1 cm long each time. Then, are you still unsure about choosing this toothpaste that contains fluoride?

3. Pepsodent Sensitive Expert Relief Protect Original

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Pepsodent Sensitive Expert Relief Protect Original
Pepsodent Sensitive Expert Relief Protect Toothpaste Brand Original

There is no need to doubt this brand because the quality of its products is indeed good, so it is not surprising that the majority of Indonesians know it. 
In fact, the price of the product which is quite affordable also makes the number of users increase over time. Well, one of the products from Pepsodent that should be chosen is this toothpaste that contains fluoride. As the name implies, this product is more specifically for people with sensitive teeth.

Compared to ordinary products, this fluoride-containing toothpaste can relieve aching teeth faster in 30 seconds and restore tooth mineral density. In addition, tooth protection against plaque caused by bacteria, cavities, and gum problems can also be obtained by using this product regularly. Even so, you who have sensitive teeth should also take care of food and drink so you don’t feel sore.

4. Darlie Bunny Kids Apples

Darlie Bunny Kids Apple Fluoride Toothpaste
Darlie Bunny Kids Apple Toothpaste Brand

Not only teenagers and adults, children also need to maintain healthy teeth, especially for children who are growing up. 
Usually children tend to like sweet foods, such as chocolate and candy which often cause toothache. What’s worse, if this is allowed to continue, it’s no wonder that many children have cavities. However, you don’t need to worry because protection for children’s teeth can be done by using this fluoride-containing toothpaste.

In order for children to like Darlie’s fluoride toothpaste, the flavors are made to taste like fruit. So, this product with tube packaging has an apple-flavored variant where the ingredients are more than 80% food grade, so it is safer if, for example, it is ingested. What’s more, Darlie Bunny Kids Apple can also minimize irritation due to the low foam content and no added sugar so that dental health is better maintained. In addition, this gel toothpaste contains calcium which will make children’s teeth stronger.

5. Sensodyne Multi-Action

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Sensodyne Multi Action
Sensodyne Multi-Action Toothpaste Brand

Owners of sensitive teeth must be familiar with toothpaste containing fluoride from this brand, right? 
Sensodyne is specifically here to treat various kinds of problems with sensitive teeth. As the product name implies, Sensodyne Multi Action is capable of performing multiple actions, such as protecting sensitive teeth, preventing cavities, reducing plaque buildup, and maintaining healthy gums. Of course this can be obtained by brushing your teeth regularly, yes.

Usually, many adults experience sensitive teeth, but it is possible that there are children under 12 years who also experience it. That’s because children are happy with foods that tend to be sweet. So, it would be better if you consult with your doctor first before using this toothpaste that contains fluoride.

6. Ciptadent Maxi Complete

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Ciptadent Maxi Complete
Ciptadent Maxi Complete Toothpaste Brand

Every time you finish eating and drinking, there are usually remnants that will eventually form plaque. 
In addition, the cause of plaque formation is saliva and millions of bacteria, so you need to brush your teeth every day at least 2 times. It would be better if you choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride like Ciptadent’s because the ingredients in it can help eradicate bacteria. That way, the bacteria in the plaque will not continue to multiply and the acids that erode the enamel can be minimized.

If, for example, the enamel continues to erode, then the chances of cavities will increase. As the name implies, Ciptadent Maxi Complete has a new formulation from Lion Japan to provide more complete protection. So, these formulations include Active IPMP, Double Fluoride, and Potassium Citrate which can prevent plaque, maintain the strength of tooth enamel, and prevent cavities. In addition, toothpaste containing fluoride will also maintain healthy gums and freshen breath.

7. Cussons Kids Unicorn Fruity Berries

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Cussons Kids Unicorn Fruity Berries
Cussons Kids Unicorn Fruity Berries Toothpaste Brand

Cussons has been known by many as a brand that sells various kinds of baby and children’s equipment, such as shampoos, soaps, toothbrushes and toothpaste that contain fluoride. 
You can choose Cussons Kids Unicorn Fruity Berries to protect your teeth from cavities, OK? Well, this toothpaste is also designed to be a product that is liked by children by using a variety of fruit flavors. So, children will be more fond of brushing their teeth every day.

This product is also sugar free, you know. In addition to fluoride, this toothpaste from Cussons contains calcium and xylitol so that it protects children’s teeth better. You don’t need to hesitate anymore because this Cussons product is formulated directly by a child dental and mouth care expert. To add confidence when choosing, this fluoride-containing toothpaste has also obtained a halal certificate from LPPOM MUI.

8. Enzyme Fresh Mint

Toothpaste Brands Containing Enzyme Fluoride Fresh Mint
Fresh Mint Enzyme Toothpaste Brand

Apart from several products from previous brands, toothpaste containing fluoride from Enzim can also be easily found in minimarkets, supermarkets and marketplaces. 
However, this product is more suitable for those of you who like a fresh sensation after brushing your teeth because it contains mint. Apart from fluoride, this toothpaste is also equipped with various ingredients to provide better protection. Of course, this Enzim toothpaste is very safe to use every day for a long time.

Well, the composition of the ingredients, among others, are Amyloglucosidase, Gluco-oxidase, and Lactoperoxidase with their role in restoring the natural anti-bacterial function in saliva so that the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity can be more controlled. In addition, the pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity will be inhibited and killed by the Lactoferrin and Lysozyme present in this product. Interestingly, this toothpaste that contains fluoride does not contain detergents, so it does not damage saliva and the mouth does not become dry. Amazingly, the acidity in your mouth can be restrained for 21 hours after using Enzyme Fresh Mint.

9. Kodomo Toothpaste Strawberry

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Kodomo Toothpaste Strawberry
Kodomo Toothpaste Strawberry Brand

Usually little girls are very happy with strawberries, right? 
To attract children to like brushing their teeth, Kodomo has made this toothpaste that contains fluoride with flavors and flavors of strawberries. In addition, this product in tube packaging is also equipped with xylitol content. Not only does it make teeth stronger, the use of this toothpaste will also prevent cavities from occurring early on.

Don’t worry, because this toothpaste that contains fluoride is designed for children, so it is BPA free, contains no phthalates or other harmful ingredients. In addition, this product also has a shelf life of up to two years. So, Kodomo Toothpaste Strawberry is safe to use for quite a long time because children usually only use a small amount of toothpaste.

10. Systema Nano Spring Fresh

Toothpaste Containing Fluoride Systema Nano Spring Fresh
Brand Toothpaste Systema Nano Spring Fresh

The next recommended toothpaste that contains fluoride is Systema Nano Spring Fresh. 
Fluoride will work by strengthening tooth enamel and restoring tooth mineral density so that tooth decay can be prevented. There are several other active ingredients in this Japanese-tech toothpaste besides fluoride, you know.

Well, these ingredients, including Isopropyl Methylphenol and Dipotassium Glycyrrhizin Acid, are effective antibacterials in preventing gingivitis. Of course, you need to use it every day. Apart from that, this variant will also keep your mouth fresh longer so you can appear more confident.

How to clean your teeth using toothpaste that contains fluoride

After knowing how to choose and product recommendations, of course you need to know how to clean your teeth using toothpaste that contains fluoride. If you want to get satisfactory results, then how to use it also should not be careless.

1. Make preparations in advance

Before brushing your teeth, of course you need to prepare a toothbrush, toothpaste that contains fluoride, and clean water to rinse. This really needs attention, especially for children and the elderly who prefer to rinse their mouths using drinking water rather than tap water. You can prepare it in a glass to make it easier to handle. After that, put the toothpaste along the bristles of the toothbrush for adults and the size of a seed at the end of the toothbrush bristles for children.

2. Start brushing your teeth evenly

The next step that needs to be done is to start brushing your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride. First clean the front teeth and gums evenly and slowly. Then, use small, circular motions to clean all of your teeth and inside gums. Make sure all parts have been exposed to toothpaste and are really brushed clean, OK?

3. Gargle using clean water

If you have everything, now is the time to rinse your mouth so that the toothpaste containing fluoride can be clean. Gargle at least two or three times until there’s no more toothpaste left. So, the purpose of using drinking water to gargle is to make it safer if someone accidentally drinks it. However, still warn children and the elderly not to swallow the toothpaste.


Those are ten recommendations for toothpaste brands that contain fluoride along with how to choose and how to use them. The specifications between products from one brand to another are definitely different from one another, even though the main goal is to provide protection to prevent cavities. However, brushing your teeth is at least routinely done 2 times a day so that this goal can be achieved.

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