10 Best Clear Lip Gloss Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – You can have a natural lustrous lip look by applying a clear lip gloss. After using lipstick, you can create a natural glossy impression using a clear lip gloss. You can choose products from The Saem , Too Faced , Fenty Beauty, to local brands like Wardah.

Apart from being naturally clear in color, some products are also equipped with glitter to provide additional accents that can make you the center of attention. Want to buy a clear lip gloss but confused about which one to choose? We will explain how to choose a clear lip gloss as well as introduce the best product recommendations. Therefore, don’t miss it, okay!

The Best Clear Lip Gloss
Lip Gloss / HypeBeasts Illustration Image

How to Choose a Good Clear Lip Gloss

Clear lip gloss can be found in several packages, including the differences in texture that have advantages and disadvantages. We recommend that you choose the right product based on your needs. You can also choose a lip gloss to suit your character or how you want to express yourself. Let’s first look at the following guide to choosing clear lip gloss!

1. To be more practical, buy a tube type

Lip gloss packaged in a tube is considered more practical to use. You who like convenience and practicality can choose this type. The application is simply by pressing the tube to remove the contents, then cover it with a brush. Apply lip gloss to lips and blend.

The advantage of lip gloss in tube packaging is that you can adjust the amount of lip gloss so it’s not wasteful. However, be careful when you want to apply the tip of the tube directly to your lips because the lipstick color on your lips can stick and mix into the tube. For tube-type lip glosses, it is currently still difficult to find in Indonesia.

2. For those who crave even results, choose a bottled lip gloss

You will find clear lip gloss in bottles more easily in Indonesia. Almost 90% of lip gloss products in Indonesia are bottled. If you want to get a natural shine that is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the lips, lip gloss in a bottle is the answer.

The brush can not only be used to cover the entire surface of the lips, but also to make gradients. Because this clear lip gloss is applied to a brush, the brush you apply to your lips will likely mix its color with the color of the lipstick. Therefore, clean the brush first before putting it back into the bottle. This also applies to the use of lip gloss in tube packaging.

3. Choose based on the texture of the lip gloss for the desired result

For parties to daily activities, you need to adjust the lip gloss to the activity you want to live. Besides being divided into two types based on packaging, lip gloss also has two types based on the final result, namely a natural clear finish and a charming glitter luster.

If you want to come to the office or come to formal events, you can apply lip gloss with a clear color without glitter. Any color lipstick will look stunning and natural when covered with a clear lip gloss. Because it doesn’t have a flashy color, those of you who are still students can even use it at school or campus.

For example, you want to come to a party, either alone or in pairs, you can use lip gloss with glitter. The glitter effect will make lip makeup look more glamorous and beautiful. You can also be the center of attention of many pairs of eyes because of the different impression on your lips. Choose a clear lip gloss with gold, silver, or any color of your choice.

4. Choose a soft texture so that it is light on the lips

If you expect a lip gloss that feels light and doesn’t irritate your lips, it’s more appropriate for you to wear a lip gloss with a soft texture. Besides being light, this lip gloss is also not sticky on the lips, even when your long hair hits your lips, the hair won’t stick to your lips.

Behind its advantages, lip gloss with a soft texture makes you have to re-apply when the layer has thinned. This is certainly not a problem, but what about the frequency of use? The more often you re-make up your lips with clear lip gloss, the faster the product will run out, you also have to buy new and this is closely related to your budget.

5. If you are lazy to touch up too often, use a dense textured lip gloss

Lip gloss texture that is slightly dense will make your lip makeup look shiny longer. It’s just that you have to be able to tolerate the impression of being heavy and maybe a little sticky on the lips. This sticky effect on some quality products is not found so you don’t have to worry when using high quality products.

Dense lip gloss also doesn’t require you to do touch ups more often. In this way, you can save money while not having to waste time re-applying lip gloss because of its long-lasting characteristics. However, in its use, avoid applying layered layers because it can be heavy and feel sticky on the lips.

10 Best Clear Lip Gloss Recommendations

Basically it’s easy isn’t it choosing a clear lip gloss? Now, the Ainun recommends the 10 best clear lip glosses with different textures and offers different finishes. Each product relies on various ingredients, so pay attention to the composition on the packaging label, OK? Happy choosing!

1. The Saem Saemmul Magic Gloss Tint

The Best Clear Lip Gloss The Saem Saemmul Magic Gloss Tint
Products The Saem Saemmul Magic Gloss Tint

You can choose Saemmul Magic Gloss Tint whenever you want to get lip makeup that looks like Korean women. 
For those of you who like Korean dramas, of course it’s not uncommon for you to crave the shape and appearance of lips that look clear and the color can blend into the natural color of the lips.

The Saem offers products with these advantages. So, when applied, the clear color will gradually change to a natural pink close to the color of the lips. In fact, you can apply this lip gloss without any lipstick beforehand. The pink color that is created is not only natural, but also gives a watery look, your lips look healthier!

2. Mineral Botanica Lip Glaze Antila

Best Clear Lip Gloss Mineral Botanica Lip Glaze Antila
Product Mineral Botanica Lip Glaze Antila

There is no sticky feeling or thick lips when using this lip gloss. 
Mineral Botanica designed a super soft formula so it feels light when attached to the lips. You can count on this product as a display support when you want to attend a party.

The presence of a little glitter can make your lip makeup stand out a little but not excessive. This product is also enriched with moisturizer so it can protect the lips from free radicals. Its soft but slightly thick texture means that the product does not have to be daubed in layers, suitable and affordable for students too!

3. Wardah Lipgloss

Best Clear Lip Gloss Wardah Lipgloss
Wardah Lipgloss products

This lip gloss offers a natural impression, perfect for those of you who don’t like being the center of attention. 
Packaged in a shape resembling a lipstick, how to use it is the same as wearing lipstick. You can easily apply the tip of the lip gloss to all corners of your lips.

Wardah said that this product is able to protect every woman’s lips that are dry and chapped. With moisturizing jojoba oil, vitamin E, and squalene, this product ensures excellently covered lips without worrying about problems with dry lips.

4. Glossier Lip Gloss

Best Clear Lip Gloss Glossier Lip Gloss
Glossier Lip Gloss Products

Glossier is a very famous cosmetic manufacturer in the world. 
Especially in the range of lip cosmetics, you can choose Glossier Lip Gloss to get the natural shine of your lips without the glitter effect. Although it is not equipped with glitter beads, this product is able to make your lip makeup sparkle.

In addition, the presence of vitamin E in it will protect the lips from the effects of dryness. You can move around in a room with even dry temperatures without fear of dry and chapped lips. The soft and light texture does not leave a sticky or heavy impression on your lips.

5. Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme

Lip Gloss Bening Terbaik Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme
Produk Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme

For those of you who don’t have a problem pouring out quite a lot of funds, provided that the product purchased offers extraordinary capabilities, of course, Lip Injection Extreme from Too Faced is worthy of being an option. 
A lip gloss with a serum type, this product is able to brighten naturally, moisturize, and add volume to the lips.

The effects can last all day, you don’t need to worry about fading lip makeup. Standing out all day long with natural-looking makeup isn’t a problem anymore! This product is certain to be safe in terms of formula so even those of you with sensitive lips can use it.

6. Kendo Holdings Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer Diamond Milk

Lip Gloss Bening Terbaik Kendo Holdings Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer Diamond Milk
Produk Kendo Holdings Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer Diamond Milk

This lip gloss product from Diva world, Rihanna, has managed to grab the attention of many people. 
Not only famous for being issued by big names of top singers, this product also talks about quality! Specially designed for today’s women, this product will give a long-lasting shine effect.

Even though it was launched by a brand belonging to a Diva, this product is still pocket-friendly in terms of price. The formula is good and soft, making it not sticky when applied. If you want to make lip makeup look stunning without the sticky effect, this lip gloss is for you!

7. Glamglow Plumprageous Clear

Best Clear Lip Gloss Glamglow Plumprageous Clear
Produk Glamglow Plumprageous Clear

Packaged in a sparkling silver bottle, you can grab the attention of those around you when applying this product outside the home. 
In addition to making lips shiny and moist, this lip gloss can also increase the volume of your lips several levels to make them fuller.

In fact, Glamglow Plumprageous Clear can create a sexy lip effect like Kylie Jenner. Containing natural and moisturizing ingredients from coconut oil and seed oil, this product will control the moisture of your lips. You who have thin lips are also advised to use this product.

8. elf Lip Lacquer

Best Clear Lip Gloss elf Lip Lacquer
Elf Lip Lacquer product

An affordable option for those of you who are trying lip gloss for the first time. 
This product can leave an unforgettable experience for you. Lip Lacquer is not only cheap, but also guarantees a long-lasting shine. Those of you who don’t like touch ups can choose this product.

For various events, both formal and non-formal, you can look charming with naturally glossy lips and not overdo it with the help of this product. In addition, the presence of vitamin E will help nourish the lips.

9. Wardah Wondershine Clear Ice

The Best Clear Lip Gloss Wardah Wondershine Clear Ice
Wardah Wondershine Clear Ice products

Wardah also collects other lip glosses for Indonesian women. 
Hot weather that hit sometimes can make lips dry. To prevent problem lips, you can provide protection with this clear lip gloss without the need to adjust the color of the lipstick used.

Whether you’re wearing casual colors to more expressive ones, this product blends perfectly on your lips. You can also look younger when you apply bright colors to your makeup. The texture is soft, this product does not leave a thick impression on the lips.

10. Etude House Woo Baby Lip Plumper

Lip Gloss Bening Terbaik Etude House Woo Baby Lip Plumper
Produk Etude House Woo Baby Lip Plumper

A unique formula is presented by Etude House through this lip gloss. 
So, the lips not only receive a moisturizing effect from a series of ingredients, but also a cooling effect created by the presence of menthol in the ingredient formula. If you want to experience cold lip makeup, use this product.

Besides refreshing the lips, Woo Baby Lip Plumper is also designed with a soft final texture. In other words, the surface of your lips remains comfortable even if you wear it up to several layers. In fact, the effect of glossy and dimensional lips can be shown after use.


When you have found a clear lip gloss that you desire or suit your taste, first look at the condition of your lips. If your lips tend to dry easily, you should check the moisturizing composition in the product. Hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, and olive oil are usually found in products as moisturizing formulas.

However, if you don’t find a moisturizer, you can outsmart it by using a lip balm before applying lipstick and lip gloss afterwards. That way, your lips are not only supple, but the effect of the makeup can also be long-lasting because the lips are free from dry, chapped, or even injured.

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