10 Best Vitamin for Dry Hair Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – One of the solutions to nourish dry hair is to use vitamins for dry hair. Having beautiful hair is certainly a dream for every woman, even men must also maintain healthy hair.

But sometimes exposure to sunlight, pollution and frequent hair styling make your hair dry, right? Dull, expanding, branching maybe even hair loss problems. Just like skin, hair also needs care to keep it healthy so it doesn’t become dry and damaged.

The habit of washing your hair every day can also erode your hair’s natural oils which causes your hair to look dull and lack shine. So for that one way to treat and keep hair shiny is to use hair vitamins.

By using vitamins, hair will get moisture and also provide softness, you know. For those of you who want to use hair vitamins, you should first find out how to choose good dry hair vitamins.

This article will provide an explanation of how to choose hair vitamins as well as recommend the best vitamins for you. Come on, see the explanation below!

How to choose vitamins for good dry hair

Do you want to reduce the problem of dry hair? If so, then you can use vitamin supplements to overcome this, moreover hair vitamins are very easy to find in the market with various types of brands. Some of the vitamins for dry hair include well-known brands such as Makarizo , Loreal and Ellips .

The Best Vitamins for Dry Hair
Dry Hair Illustration Image

However, each vitamin brand has advantages and disadvantages based on the ingredients contained in the vitamin, you know. For that, consider the following tips as your consideration when choosing vitamins for dry hair. What are they?

1. Pay attention to the ingredients

Some vitamins are needed for hair to look healthy, such as vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Apart from being nutritious, vitamins act as oxidants that can protect hair from damage. The vitamins contained in it will keep your hair from falling out and growing properly.

You can choose vitamins that have extra natural ingredients, such as honey, coconut oil, olive oil, and avocados. Where these ingredients are rich in fatty acids that can restore hair moisture and the amino acid content in the extract can also nourish hair.

Apart from that, an ingredient that is well known for its effectiveness in maintaining moisture and thickening hair is aloe vera. Well, for that you should know the ingredients contained in hair vitamins that will be used.

2. Choose the form and type of vitamin according to use

As we know that hair vitamins come in several forms including soft capsules, sprays, serums and so on. You can adjust the form of vitamins according to your needs.

The average woman usually prefers vitamins in the form of soft capsules because of their small shape which makes them easy to carry anywhere and more flexible in applying them at home.

Then for those of you who have quite busy activities and need a quick time to do hair care, it is recommended to use hair vitamins in the form of a spray, why is that?

This is because vitamins in the form of sprays have a higher practical value, that is, you only need to spray vitamins on your hair and can use them anywhere and anytime. Apart from capsules and sprays, vitamins are also available in regular bottles and drop bottles.

3. Pay attention to how to use it and apply it correctly

In the use of vitamins for hair, each product must have a different way of using it. There are hair vitamins that must be used after dry hair, usually these types of vitamins are used before hair styling to protect against heat and chemicals.

Then there are also hair vitamins that can be applied at any time if your hair is feeling dry. This type of spray is certainly more practical if you are in a hurry to attend an important event.

10 Vitamin Recommendations for Dry Hair

Here we go

So, that’s how to choose good hair vitamins for those of you who have dry hair problems. Apart from knowing this, then Ainun will provide 10 vitamin recommendations for dry hair that suit your needs.

This brand recommendation can be a reference when you have dry and dull hair problems. Here are our recommendations for you!

1. Lucido L-Triple Beauty Vitamin Oil

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Lucido L-Triple Beauty Vitamin Oil-Best
Lucido L-Triple Beauty Vitamin Oil

Are you looking for hair vitamins that are easily absorbed? 
Lucido-L is the right choice, by choosing to release a product in the form of vitamin oil, in which ingredients such as vitamins A, C and E are available which are easily absorbed into the hair cells so that your hair returns to health.

Not only that, this vitamin is also formulated with three formulas to give beautiful, shining and soft textured hair results. For those of you who often straighten your hair, it is recommended to use Lucido-L so that your hair is not too dry and becomes damaged. How interested in trying it?

2. Natural hair vitamins

The Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Natur Hair Vitamins
Natural Hair Vitamins

Maybe you are no stranger to the natur brand. 
Natur has been known for its hair care products for a long time. Apart from shampoo and tonic, Natur also produces hair vitamin products. There are two options, namely olive oil for colored hair and aloe vera for normal hair.

This hair vitamin is in the form of a spray that can be applied when the hair is half wet. Can be used when hair feels tangled even when the scalp is dry. The aroma also makes this vitamin can be used as a hair mist, you know.

3. Ellips Hair Vitamin Smooth And Silky

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Ellips Hair Vitamins Smooth And Silky
Ellips Hair Vitamin Smooth And Silky

Who doesn’t know the elliptical product. 
This hair vitamin brand has been circulating in Indonesia for a long time. One of the best products from ellipses to deal with dry hair is smooth and silky. With additional ingredients in the form of pro keratin complex and aloe vera extract, it is useful to restore hair that is dull, frizzy, dry, and unruly to return to perfection.

Besides that, together with aloe vera, it will treat and keep your hair moist. Then, your dry hair can be treated and returned to health and soft twice as much as before. Using this product is quite easy, you simply tear the capsule and then pour it into your hands and apply it to your hair. Wow, interesting not to try.

4. Makarizo Honey Dew Nutriv Serum

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Makarizo Honey Dew Nutriv Serum
Makarizo Honey Dew Nutriv Serum

Afraid your hair is damaged and dry because it is often styled? 
You don’t need to hesitate anymore to style your hair, you only need to use one of Makarizo’s products, namely Makarizo Honey Dew Nutriv Serum. With vitamins that are able to protect hair from heat and provide natural nutrition to hair, you can use these vitamins before and after styling your hair.

The goal is to keep hair moist throughout the day. Makarizo ensures that this product is effective for dry hair problems because it contains silicon which keeps hair smooth, shiny and easy to manage. For those of you who want to deal with damaged and cracked hair, this vitamin is suitable for you to choose.

5. Sasha Hair Vitamin Damage Care

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Sasha Hair Vitamin Damage Care
Sasha Hair Vitamin Damage Care

Next is hair vitamins with the brand Sasha Vitamin Damage Hair. 
By containing triple action, which repairs, nourishes and protects hair, it is very suitable for those of you who have dry hair problems.

Besides that, it contains pure olive oil which is an antioxidant, jojoba oil and pro vitamin B5 to make your hair nutritious every strand.

6. Matrix Biolage Deep Smoothing Serum

The Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Matrix Biolage Deep Smoothing Serum
Matrix Biolage Deep Smoothing Serum

Do you have dry, frizzy and frizzy hair? 
Do not be discouraged. Use matrix biolage deep smoothing serum vitamin hair products that can make your hair soft. With avocado extract, grapeseed oil and frizz-taming polymers it makes hair more manageable.

It is undeniable that the ingredients in this serum can provide several benefits for your hair, apart from nourishment, shiny hair, frizz free, stiffness and roughness, your hair is also maintained in good health in the midst of high humidity. How interested in buying?

7. L’oreal elvive extraordinary oil

The Best Vitamins for Dry Hair L'oreal elvive extraordinary oil
L’oreal elvive extraordinary oil

The well-known brand L’oreal paris, also released one of the vitamins for dry and stiff hair called L’oreal elvive extraordinary oil. 
This vitamin is in the form of a serum containing six flower extracts, lotus, chamomile, rose, tiare, linseed and soybean.

Made with rare flower extracts as its main component, this serum keeps dry and damaged hair at its best. Besides that, the aroma of these six flower extracts also makes your hair smell good all day long. For those of you who often use a hair dryer or a clipper, you should apply this serum first.

8. Kerastase Elixir Ultime

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Kerastase Elixir Ultime
Kerastase Elixir Ultime

Kerastase elixir ultime is a vitamin that nourishes hair to make it softer. 
For those of you who dream of having voluminous hair, you don’t need to be confused anymore, Keraste Elixir Ultime is the right choice, why is that?

Containing intra-cylane creates a strong bond on each strand of hair so that the hair looks more voluminous. This vitamin also contains marula and argan oil which are rich in antioxidants and can protect hair from free radicals. The content of fatty acids, amino acids and vitamin E can nourish and increase the elasticity of your hair, you know.

9. Makarizo Advisor Hair Recovery Hair Vitamin

The Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Makarizo Advisor Hair Recovery Hair Vitamins
Makarizo Advisor Hair Recovery Hair Vitamins

Haven’t you been interested in vitamins for dry hair from makarizo before? 
Don’t worry, we still have other options. Makarizo advisor hair recovery hair vitamins can be an alternative for you.

In the form of capsules which are 100% made from natural plant ingredients such as vitamins A, C, E, B5 and silk proteins which are able to treat, strengthen and revitalize dry and damaged hair. Not only that, this vitamin also contains olive oil and UV protector which will protect your natural hair from the bad effects of sunlight.

10. Sensatia Botanicals Argan Rose & Jasmine Nurturing Hair Oil

Best Vitamins for Dry Hair Sensatia Botanicals Argan Rose & Jasmine Nurturing Hair Oil
Sensatia Botanicals Argan Rose & Jasmine Nurturing Hair Oil

Dry hair is a complicated problem for you? 
No longer using products from botanicals, namely Sensatia Botanicals because it contains argan oil which is able to nourish your hair skin.

Argan oil can also stimulate hair growth so that it is not thin due to loss. Then it contains natural ingredients, namely jasmine oil which acts as an antioxidant to protect hair from damage. Not only that, jasmine oil is able to keep the scalp and hair clean from bacteria. The aroma is also very soothing when used.


So, those are 10 vitamin recommendations for dry hair that can be used as a reference for those of you who have hair problems. How interested in trying these products? What is certain is that before trying it you should know the condition and type of product first so you are not mistaken in choosing the products above!

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