10 Recommendations for Good Vitamins to Maintain Immune System (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – Do you know why vitamins that are good for the immune system are quite important for health? All kinds of diseases can indeed be prevented if you are able to run a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes, eating and drinking regularly is not enough because you also need to exercise regularly. In addition, you also need a vitamin intake to maintain your body’s health.

Vitamins for Strong Body Immunity
Illustration Picture of Vitamins for Strong Body Immunity / Emfithealth

This is of course due to a hectic routine so that your energy and mind can be drained excessively. If you have a good immune system, then you will not fall sick because of this hectic routine. Then, how do you find a good vitamin for the right immune system? Check out the following article reviews carefully, yes!

How to Choose Good Vitamins for Body Immunity

Men and women of course need an immune booster to maintain their immunity. You definitely want to choose vitamins for your immune system with good quality, right? Well, you can find the best products by applying the following methods.

1. Pay attention to the content of vitamins for immunity

The majority of vitamins that are good for endurance do contain vitamin C with various benefits it has. However, there are other ingredients that you need to know about the product of your choice, such as vitamins A, B, E, Echinacea, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, and so on. Each of these ingredients certainly has benefits that your body needs.

Vitamin A has benefits for improving the immune system and eye health. Then, B vitamins will help the body to get energy, maintain brain health, sharpen memory, reduce stress, stimulate the immune system, and so on. While Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that counteracts free radicals. Always pay close attention to the content in the vitamins for the immune system of your choice, yes!

2. Make sure to choose vitamins for legal immunity

The legality of a product is of course one of the important things to pay attention to. Well, you should choose vitamins to maintain endurance that already have official permission, such as having a BPOM registration number, LPPOM MUI number, or P-IRT. In addition, you can also choose products with various certifications, such as GMP or Good Manufacturing Practices.

Well, GMP is a system that regulates minimum requirements and must be met by the food and packaging industry. This is related to food safety, quality, as well as legal requirements. That way the vitamins you choose can be safer, yes!

3. Adjust the price of vitamins for endurance with a budget

There are several things that affect the selling price of vitamins for endurance in the market. These include the brand, size, packaging, and the amount of benefits provided. With the large popularity of a brand, usually the vitamin product will be sold at a fairly expensive price. That doesn’t mean there aren’t popular brands that sell their products at affordable prices, right!

How big is the size of the immune vitamin you want to buy? The larger the size, of course, the costs will also be more. If you’re the only one who eats it, then buy it in small sizes. Then, vitamins packaged in glass bottles will certainly be sold at a higher price than plastic packaging. The greater the benefits you will get, the more expensive the price will be.

Various brands of supplements or vitamins are now widely sold in pharmacies, minimarkets, supermarkets, and marketplaces. Well, here are ten recommended brands of vitamins for the best immune system from Ainun that you can use as an option for regular consumption.

1. Imboost Force

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Imboost Force
Brand Imboost Force

A good vitamin recommendation for the first immune system is Imboost Force. 
This health supplement contains Echinacea Purpurea Herb Dry Extract, Black Elderberry Fruit Dry Extract, Zinc Picolinate. These ingredients are herbal plants that make this product safe for consumption. By consuming Imboost, your body’s health can be maintained. Not only that, Imboost also has a role to speed up the healing process of the disease.

Another benefit that you can get from this product is to prevent the recurrence of respiratory and urogenital infections. Then, it can relieve the symptoms of influenza, colds, sneezing, and nasal allergies (nasal). The way vitamins work to maintain this immune system is to activate the immune system directly by multiplying antibodies. That way the body can be stronger against virus attacks.

2. Enervon-C Multivitamin

Best Vitamins for Strong Immunity Best Enervon-C Multivitamin
Merk Enervon-C Multivitamin

The recommended vitamin for maintaining the immune system is a combination of vitamin C and vitamin B complex which is of course very much needed by the body. 
If you take this multivitamin during colds and stones, then you can recover faster. You can drink it before or after meals, yes! Not only that, Enervon-C Multivitamin can also help the post-illness recovery process.

Each tablet of this immune-boosting vitamin contains Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Calcium Pantothenate, and Niacinamide. In order for the quality of vitamins to be maintained properly, store this Enervon-C Multivitamin below 30°C in a tightly closed container. Make sure the container is dry and protected from light and moisture, yes!

Although this product is indeed useful for maintaining endurance, there are several criteria for people who should consult first. These criteria include patients with liver, kidney disease, pregnant or breastfeeding women. So, don’t take vitamins for endurance carelessly, okay!

3. Holisticare Ester C

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Holisticare Ester C
Merk Holisticare Ester C

If you’re looking for a vitamin C supplement that doesn’t hurt your stomach, then Holisticare Ester C is the right choice. 
The advantage of this vitamin for the best immune system is that it is patented and not acidic because of its neutral pH. Then, this supplement is also made naturally so that it produces metabolites to increase the efficiency of absorption and storage in the body.

This immune-boosting vitamin enters the bloodstream more quickly and lasts four times more efficiently than regular vitamin C. In addition, you can use this product to optimize the delivery of vitamin C to body tissues that need it.

Well, another thing you need to know about Vitamin C is its role as an antioxidant. This of course can not only maintain the immune system, but also improve the composition of collagen and accelerate wound healing.

4. Redoxon Triple Action

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Redoxon Triple Action
Merk Redoxon Triple Action

Changes in extreme weather will usually have an unfavorable impact on the body. 
If you do not maintain a good immune system, then you will be more susceptible to various kinds of diseases. Therefore, you need a vitamin for endurance called Redoxon Triple Action. As the name implies, this product is a combination of vitamins C, D, and zinc which each have their own benefits.

Vitamin C has benefits for maintaining the immune system as well as an antioxidant that counteracts free radicals. Then, Vitamin D is useful for helping the performance of white blood cell groups in maintaining the body’s resistance. Meanwhile, Zinc has the benefit to streamline the performance of vitamin C to maintain body resistance. By consuming it properly, your health can be better maintained.

5. Strong Stimuno

Best Vitamins for Strong Endurance Best Stimuno Forte
Brand Stimuno Forte

A good vitamin recommendation for the next immune system is Stimuno Capsules or Stimuno Forte. 
This vitamin contains active ingredients of green meniran plant extract which is useful for improving the immune system. This is commonly known as an immunomodulator. Well, its function is to help stimulate the body to produce more antibodies and activate the immune system so that the immune system works optimally.

This immune-boosting vitamin contains green meniran plant extract which has been clinically proven to be able to prevent various infectious diseases and can accelerate the healing process in infectious diseases. Another advantage that Stimuno Forte has is that it is the only immunomodulator that has received a Phytopharmaceutical Certificate from BPOM in Indonesia.

Therefore, you can consume it in the long term safely and lawfully. Don’t forget to store this supplement in a closed container and avoid the sun, OK!

6. Blackmores Bio C

Best Vitamins for Strong Immunity Best Blackmores Vit C
Merk Blackmores Vit C

Have you ever heard of this supplement brand? 
Blackmores Bio C contains Vitamin C, Rosehips, Citrus Extract Bioflavonoids, and Acerola which are useful for increasing and maintaining the immune system.

Eating too many supplements with high Vitamin C content will usually have a negative impact on the stomach. However, this can be prevented because the formula in this supplement has been coated with mineral ascorbate so it is safe for the stomach.

In addition, this vitamin for endurance also contains antioxidants that function as an antidote to free radicals. Then, it can speed up the healing process, maintain skin firmness and elasticity through stimulation of collagen production. Then, this product can also maintain the health of your capillaries. Consult your doctor first if you have ever had kidney stones, are pregnant, or breastfeeding, yes!

7. Vitalong C

Best Vitamins for Strong Endurance Best Vitalong C
Brand Vitalong C

If you are looking for a good immune-boosting vitamin that doesn’t make your stomach hurt, then Vitalong C is the right choice. 
This product contains 500 mg of Vitamin C with a periodic release system because there are Vitamin C granules in the capsule which dissolve gradually over 12 hours.

No need to worry because the daily dose of vitamin C is in accordance with the body’s needs. As with other Vitamin C supplements, this product also contains antioxidants that function to ward off free radicals.

By taking vitamins for this immune system, you can protect yourself from getting influenza and speed up the healing process. In addition, you can also prevent disorders due to vitamin C deficiency, help iron absorption, and help produce collagen. Don’t forget to store this Vitalong C in a dry and closed container at room temperature, OK!

8. Nutrimax C Max

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Nutrimax C Max
Merk Nutrimax C Max

Another recommended vitamin for the best immune system is Nutrimax C Max. 
This vitamin C supplement product is acid-free so it does not cause nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and is safe for ulcer sufferers. In addition, this product is also safe for those of you who have stomach and kidney diseases.

The combination of bioflavonoids, calcium, zinc, glucan, and other ingredients makes this product able to help the immune system work. In addition, this product can also help the detoxification process of toxins as well as antitumor and cancer.

Nutrimax C Max 1000 is different from ordinary vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) because Vitamin C is made in the form of Calcium Ascorbate (Non Acidic Vitamin C). Calcium Ascorbate is a form of calcium salt of ascorbic acid or Vitamin C. Well, Calcium Ascorbate is not easily damaged by gastric acid so that it is maximally absorbed and lasts longer in the body. However, make sure you have consulted with your doctor if you are taking sugar-lowering drugs.

9. Youvit Multivitamin Adult

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Youvit Multivitamin Adult
Merk Youvit Multivitamin Adult

Are you looking for a multivitamin with a different taste from other products? 
If that’s the case, then you can choose Youvit Multivitamin Adult which has a Mix Berry flavor.

In addition, this form of multivitamin is a gummy or chewy candy so you will get a different impression when consuming it. But this immune vitamin is specially formulated for adults, right! This immune-boosting vitamin contains 10 vitamins, namely vitamin A, B Complex, C, D, E, and 2 other important minerals.

Well, Vitamin A will protect the body’s cells from viruses, Vitamin B3 will produce energy, and Vitamin B5 to maintain the body’s metabolism. Then, Vitamin B6 functions to reproduce body tissues, while Vitamin B7 will maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Then, Vitamin B9 for cell reproduction and growth, Vitamin B12 helps the production of red blood cells, and Vitamin C as the body’s best immune guard.

Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining the body’s cell resistance and Vitamin E will help kill viruses. Then, there is Selenium content which is good for producing antibodies and Iodine will improve the immune system response. By consuming this product, your health can stay healthy and fit. But in addition to taking vitamins that are good for endurance, you still have to do regular exercise.

10. Vitamin C IPI

Best Vitamins for Strong Immune System Vitamin C IPI
Mark Vitamin C IPI

The last recommended vitamin for endurance is IPI Vitamin C with orange flavor. 
This legendary product contains 50 mg of vitamin C in each tablet. In addition to maintaining the immune system, IPI Vitamin C also functions to help strengthen teeth. Not only that, this product can also accelerate blood circulation, contains antioxidants, and accelerates the healing process.

Having a refreshing citrus taste, it’s no wonder that this vitamin for endurance is so loved by both children and adults. In one package there are 45 lozenges, so they are perfect for those of you who want to have a large stock of vitamin C. Well, the recommended use of this vitamin is 1 lozenge a day or 2-4 tablets a day taken before or after meals.

You really need to take care of your immune system to prevent disease from coming. Well, after reading a review of ten good vitamin recommendations for a strong immune system above, which product has caught your attention? Keep consuming it regularly even if you don’t get sick, OK!

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