Sport & Outdoor

10 Best Fishing String Recommendations (Latest 2023)

Best Blog Review – Fishing is indeed a very enjoyable hobby. Of course, using the best fishing line is one of the requirements so that fishing can be more confident. Fishing is not just a hobby, many even make it the main profession for men. To get lots of fish, one of the main indicators is the use of […]

10 Best Fishing Floats Recommendations (Latest 2023)

Best Blog Review – For those of you who have a hobby of fishing, a fishing float is a must-have because it can help you detect fish movements. That way, anglers will know more quickly if the hook has succeeded in snagging the fish’s mouth. However, this does not mean that every movement indicates that the hook has […]

Review of 10 Best Electric Scooter Recommendation (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – Lately, the presence of electric scooters is increasingly easy to find, be it in the corners of the city, on the streets of house complexes, in parks, and not infrequently, they can also be found on the highway. The popularity of electric scooters has indeed been increasing, especially in urban areas. […]

Review of 10 Best Futsal Shoes Brand Recommendations (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – Like other sports, futsal also requires special shoes to allow players to move freely and reduce the risk of injury. Futsal shoes are usually slightly different from soccer shoes because futsal is played indoors. Illustration of Futsal Shoes / This article will discuss recommendations for the best futsal shoe brands […]

Review of 10 Recommended Expensive Fishing Hooks (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – Fishing hooks on the market today are available in various sizes and types, such as hooks, jigs, trebles, and double hooks. The prices also vary, some are only tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of rupiah. However, in this article, we will only discuss expensive fishing hooks, with a price […]

10 Recommendations for Children's Height Measurements Tool (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – To monitor the growth of a child’s height, parents usually need to go to the nearest health unit to use the measuring instrument. However, given the rapid growth of height in children, you certainly can’t take your child to the nearest community health center just to take height measurements. It would […]

10 Best Yoga Mats Recommendations for Beginners (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – Yoga is very good for your health. For those of you who are just starting to practice yoga, it is important to prepare all the necessities, including the main equipment in the form of a mat. A yoga mat is useful as a base for doing various kinds of yoga movements. […]

10 Best Nike Running Shoes Recommendations (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – American shoe manufacturer, Nike, has issued a lot of sports shoe series. In running shoes, commonly called running shoes, there are four main series, each of which has different characteristics. For you fans of the Nike brand, they have running shoes that are suitable for you to run in. In this […]

10 Best Running Shoes Recommendation (Latest 2024)

Best Blog Review – Shoes specifically for runners you can use for jogging, walking, or running every day. Even if you rarely run, it is still advisable to wear running shoes. The reason is that these shoes have characteristics that have been adapted to sports activities in the form of running, ranging from overall size, […]