10 Best Wood Paint Brand Recommendations (Latest 2024)

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Best Blog Review – There are various kinds of the best wood paint brands that you can choose to enhance the appearance of your wood furniture. Wood is indeed one of the materials that is in great demand because of its high aesthetic value when it is turned into various furniture with unique shapes.

Best Wood Paint
Wood Paint Illustration Image / Avenir-pro

So, various kinds of furniture are of course very much needed to be placed in instagramable homes, offices, or even business places. Not only that, the painting must also be done properly so that many people will also like it. Then, how do you choose the best wood paint so that the results are satisfactory?

Tips on How to Choose Good Wood Paint

The purpose of coating wood furniture with paint is not only to beautify it, but also to make it durable because it can avoid termites. But sometimes, the good shape of furniture will lose its aesthetic value if you don’t choose the right wood paint. So, here are tips on choosing good wood paint for your furniture so that the results can be satisfying.

1. Pay attention to the characteristics of the wood that will be coated with paint

Before choosing the right wood paint, you should already know the characteristics of the wood to be painted. The things to pay attention to are usually the wood grain motifs, grain, and wood texture of your furniture.

Don’t paint teak-based furniture with a high concentration of viscosity and use transparent water-based wood paint so that the wood grain motifs can still be seen. That way, the results will be prettier.

2. Choose a paint color that matches the interior or other furniture

You certainly want to have a room with matching color furniture, right? Therefore, you should mix and match colors properly. Adjust the color of the interior or other existing furniture.

However, you can create a new color concept if you feel bored with the previous color. Well, usually the favorite color is black, white, or brown depending on the concept you want to apply.

Not only that, in general, the color of the paint in the catalog will be different when applied directly to wood. So don’t be reluctant to do a trial first, OK?

3. Pay attention to the placement of furniture that will be coated with paint

There are various types of paint that are sold, for example waterproof, termite-resistant, odorless or strong smelling, dries quickly, and so on. Therefore, pay attention to the placement of your furniture so you can choose the right paint.

Choose the best wood paint that is water resistant and heat resistant if you are going to put the furniture out in the open. Then, don’t choose paint that smells strong when painting furniture placed in the house so that everyone who is near it doesn’t feel disturbed.

In addition, also choose termite-resistant paint so that the furniture can last a long time so you don’t have to replace the furniture in a long period of time.

10 Best Wood Paint Recommendations

What furniture would you like to cover with paint? Usually there are chairs, tables, cabinets, or even you want to paint the door. The many brands of wood paint with varying prices on the market can certainly be confusing, especially for those of you who have never bought one. So, Ainun reviews ten of the best wood paint recommendations that can be used as an option to enhance the appearance of your furniture.

1. Avian Paint Wood and Iron Paint

Avian Wood and Iron Paint - The Best Wood Paint
Avian Wood and Metal Paint

Do you want a glossy finish without using varnish? 
So, you can choose the best wood paint brand from Avian Wood and Iron Paint, which is made from alkyd and is able to cover every part of the furniture to the fullest.

You don’t have to wait too long because this paint will dry quickly so you can avoid the amount of dust that will stick. In addition, paint that has been coated on furniture will last a long time, not peel off easily, and can withstand sea water. So, you can also wash the furniture if needed.

2. Cat Mowilex Water-based Woodstain

Mowilex Water-based Woodstain Best Wood Paint
Cat Kayu Mowilex Water-based Woodstain

The next best wood paint recommendation is Mowilex Water-based Woodstain which is a premium coating paint with a water base so that your furniture can last a long time. Well, this one of the best wood paint brands is more specifically for wooden furniture placed indoors because it has almost no smell, making it an environmentally friendly product.

In addition, there are various types of colors that you can choose from transparent, semi-transparent and solid colors. By using Mowilex, the final result will be glossy so you don’t need varnish to beautify it.

3. Cat Dulux V-Gloss

Dulux V-Gloss Best Wood Paint
Cat Kayu Dulux V-Gloss

The next best wood paint brand is Dulux V-Gloss which is a wood and metal paint for indoor furniture with a matte wood finish. This can of paint can dry in just 2-3 hours so it can avoid the amount of dust that will stick when the paint is wet.

What tool will you use for painting? Well, you can use any tools, such as roll, brush, or spray when using this Dulux V-Gloss wood paint. Just adjust it to your needs, okay! Then, you can clean up the traces of splattered paint using Dulux Thinner 850-41 so that everything will look tidier.

4. Cat Nippon Paint Woodstain Water-Based

Best Wood Paint Nippon Paint Woodstain Water-Based
Cat Kayu Nippon Paint Woodstain Water-Based

You are certainly no stranger to the Nippon Paint paint brand, right? Well, one of the best wood paint products is Nippon Paint Woodstain Water-Based, which is a water-based wood stain.

The function of this tin paint is to even out and disguise the uneven color of the wood and protect the wood from fungus and weathering so that the wood covered with this paint becomes more durable.

So, it is suitable for use with wood that is indoors or outdoors, such as wooden furniture, sills, fences, and so on. You don’t need to worry because this best wood paint can make wood protected from fungus, resistant to alkalis, UV rays, and various weather disturbances. In addition, this paint can seep into the pores and is an elastic paint so it will be difficult for the wood to peel off.

5. Cat Propan Woodstain PWS-631

Best Wood Paint Propan Woodstain
Cat Kayu Propane Woodstain

The best wood paint brand Propan Woodstain PWS-631 is one of the paints that is environmentally friendly, dries quickly, is resistant to various weather disturbances and fungi. Well, you can apply this paint using a spray or brush as needed.

If usually the results of painting leave brush strokes, then it’s different from the best wood paint on this one because the end result is smooth. In addition, Propan Woodstain is suitable for wood finishing, for example wood, sills, wooden pergolas, skirting boards, and so on.

Not only that, there are various beautiful color choices available, namely palisander, cherry, teak, light, walnut, dark brown, acacia, and balinese acacia. So, are you interested in choosing which color?

6. Cat Biovarnish Wood Stain

Best Wood Paint Biovarnish Wood Stain
Cat Kayu Biovarnish Wood Stain

Have you ever seen wood paint that’s dry but can be scratched? Of course this can disturb your comfort, right? Well, that’s different from Biovarnish Wood Stain, which is a water-based wood stain because this best wood paint brand is scratch resistant.

In addition, this paint is also safe from harmful chemicals, environmentally friendly, resistant to various weather disturbances, has strong adhesion, dries quickly, and has good transparency. You can apply this paint using a brush or spray tool, which of course is adjusted to your needs.

7. Cat Jotun Gardex Premium Gloss

Best Wood Paint Jotun Gardex Premium Gloss
Jotun Gardex Premium Gloss Wood Paint

Do you want to protect your existing wooden doors, windows and ceilings in your home? Well, you can use Jotun Gardex Premium Gloss which can prevent the growth of harmful fungi.

In addition, this premium paint is guaranteed to be free of harmful heavy metals so it is safe to apply. Not only that, Jotun has truecolour technology which makes this paint have good color resistance so colors don’t fade easily. It’s no wonder that Jotun Gardex Premium Gloss is one of the recommendations for the best wood paint brands, right?

8. Cat Emco Lux

Emco Lux Best Wood Paint
Emco Lux Wood Paint

The best wood paint brand from Emco Lux has a variety of shiny colors with good resistance in all weather and has been tested for decades. Plus, its good coverage and coverage mean you don’t have to use too much paint to enhance the appearance of a painted piece of wood.

However, make sure you have cleaned the wood clean of dust, traces of oil, or other impurities before using this paint. Use base paint or primer first so that the wood pores can be covered properly so you will get maximum painting results.

9. Cat Glotex Super Synthetic Paint

Best Wood Paint Glotex Super Synthetic Paint
Cat Kayu Glotex Super Synthetic Paint

Furthermore, there is the best wood paint brand from Glotex, namely Glotex Super Synthetic Paint, which is a solvent-based paint and has the function of coating wood surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Do you know the meaning of solvent based?

Well, this type of paint is usually dissolved using thinner, spiritus, methanol, or oil which has a slightly longer shelf life than water-based paint. Besides that, this wood paint also has a naturally shiny color, huh!

So if you want a matte finish, don’t choose this paint. It is recommended that you coat the painted wood twice for the best finish.

10. Cat Puffin Woodstain Water Based Clear

Best Wood Paint Puffin Woodstain Waterbased Clear
Cat Kayu Puffin Woodstain Water Based Clear

The last recommendation for the best wood paint brand is Puffin Woodstain Waterbased Clear which is transparent in color which can be used to paint wooden doors. You can choose a clear gloss or clear matte color.

Which end result do you want? The basic ingredient in the form of water makes this paint included in the category of wood paint which is environmentally friendly and dries quickly. Apart from that, you can use this paint brand to coat anything made of wood outdoors, such as a gazebo because it is resistant to various weather conditions and is also waterproof.


That’s a review of ten recommendations for a list of the best wood paint brands that you can choose from. You certainly want satisfactory painting results, right? Therefore, you should do a combination of solid colors with varnish to make it look more attractive because the end result is shiny. Keep doing the mix and match colors right, OK?

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